Locked LP
Learn how to use the locked liquidity pool token monitor.
The locked liquidity pool token monitor alerts you as soon as a liquidity provider blocks its LP tokens in a lock protocol such as UNCX or Pink Finance.
Displayed data
Most of the data displayed is the same as in the new Pair Monitor. To find out more, learn more about it here. In addition to this, there is information on the data of the lock performed, such as the supply of LP tokens, the ratio of lock LP tokens and for how long, as well as the liquidity provider and the transaction. This information is important to know because it ensures that the pool has guaranteed liquidity for a given period of time.

Trading Panel
Under each alert, the Trade Panel button brings up the trading panel, allowing you to obtain detailed data about the coin and quickly buy or sell it. To find out how the trading panel works in detail, refer to this article.
Last updated