Auto Sell
Learn more about the sniper auto sell method.
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Learn more about the sniper auto sell method.
Last updated
Auto sell is a key Friend tech sniper feature. It lets you automate your entire buying and selling process with ease, without the need to constantly monitor charts. The mechanism is simple : you can set a take profit (TP) and a stop loss (SL) represented by a % of the purchase price of your sniper task. When the task is executed and you snipe one or more shares, the auto sell function is activated and the bot automatically sells all the shares purchased if the price moves outside the range you've defined.
Before setting up an auto sell to a task, make sure you've created and configured your sniper task properly. Auto sell can be modified using the Auto Sell button below the main parameters. There are two options: stop loss (SL) and take profit (TP). These two values are ratios: if SL is set to -20%, then the bot will sell if the share price falls below -20% of the snipe price. The TP works the same. To reset the stop loss or take profit values, just leave the field empty when modifying it
For example, if the bot snipes three shares with an average price of 0.2 ether, and your SL is -50% and your take profit is +100%, then the bot will sell if the price falls below 0.1 ether or above 0.4 ether.
Once your auto sell has been executed, the bot will send you a DM with the auto sell info. You'll find the status of the transaction, the ether value you received, as well as the number of share sold and the target. These alerts are the same as those returned by the bot when it executes a snipe, which we're talking about here.
From the sniper dashboard, you can view a list of your currently active auto sell by using the Auto Sells button . This corresponds to snipes that have been carried out and had an auto sell set but not yet triggered. In particular, this area allows you to remove the auto sell for this particular snipe before it is executed, if you have changed your strategy.