Learn how to sell coins at lightning speed.
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Learn how to sell coins at lightning speed.
Last updated
The trading panel lets you sell almost any ERC20 token directly with the associated button. This guarantees fast execution and a high success rate. Let's take a look at how to do so.
Before triggering, please ensure that your configuration is correctly set up. We talk about the coin trading settings here.
Directly below the trading panel, you'll find buttons where you can select the ratio of your tokens to sell. The ratio of tokens to sell is in % (i.e 50% of your $BLUR holding), meaning that the bot will try to receive as much ETH as possible for this exact amount of token. There are several ratio preset, but you can also enter the exact ratio you wish to sell using Sell x ETH.
If the router used by the bot doesn't have the necessary allowance on your tokens, the bot will have to approve the token upstream. If you have Ape Mode enabled, approval will be done automatically at the same time as the transaction, otherwise it will ask you to confirm approval and send back the hash. You can modify these settings in /coin wallet or the Setup button of the trading panel, learn more about it here).
If Ape Mode is disabled, the bot will return a simulation of the swap. It contains the minimum amount of ETH you'll receive (including slippage), the number of token provided, and an estimate of the total price you'll pay, including gas fees and your gas preset.
If Ape Mode is enabled, the bot will still simulate the swap internally, ensuring that you avoid many situations in which you would normally lose gas fees in a failed transaction.
Once the transaction has been completed, the bot returns swap information such as the number of ETH received, the value paid including gas fees, and the transaction hash.