P&L Calculator
Learn how to calculate your NFT P&L metrics.
Last updated
Learn how to calculate your NFT P&L metrics.
Last updated
Trading is all about profit. The /nft profit feature calculates your precise Profit & Loss data. This feature allows you to analyse your trades, retrieve your break even, and generate a visual to share your profits.
Aura's profit bot is unique in that it takes into account more data than any other. Bulk buy refund, approvals, Blur BNPL and more, the P&L calculator analyse everything.
This feature takes two parameters into account : a collection and a wallet. The collection can be provided by the contract address directly, but also by searching for it by its name. The wallet can either be selected from your wallet list (/wallet) or be a non-registered wallet.
Each bot response is accompanied by a button that allows you to generate a visual containing your P&L metrics. It's an easy solution to share your profits.