Learn more about the sniper execution.
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Learn more about the sniper execution.
Last updated
This section will give you a better understanding of how Friend.tech sniper transactions are executed. First of all, your tasks are only executable if they're enabled, so check that the ones you want to use are activated. We're talking about sniper parameters here.
Whether sniping new users or new deposits, the bot operates in the exact same way. Once the bot detects a new event concerned by the snipe, it analyses the share and user data (twitter score, followers, price, etc.). Next, the bot check whether the share data matches the criteria of one of your sniper tasks. If it does, the bot triggers the transaction.
The key feature of Aura's sniper is that it's the fastest and most flexible on the market, with numerous settings and security features to protect you from bad shares and enable you to move faster than other traders.
Once a snipe has been triggered, the bot sends you a DM alert informing you of the result of your task. There are three possibilities: either the snipe was successful, or it failed, or the snipe result is undetermined.
The snipe alert also contains information about the snipe, such as the number of shares purchased, the total price paid including gas fees, and the target's username.