Learn more about the market feature.
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Learn more about the market feature.
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It can be complicated to keep track of everything at the same time in web3. Aura has a feature that gives you a summary overview of the latest market movements. This gives you a quick overview of what has happened over a given period.
The market summary can be obtained using /market, and takes two inputs. The first is the chain : Ethereum or Bitcoin. The second is optional, the timelapse : this allows you to see a summary of activity over a specific period.
The data returned by the bot is quite varied, and gives you an overall idea of how the market is evolving. They fall into several categories that we present below.
On the one hand, global data, such as ether price and market cap, general market sentiment, and the number of "whale" wallets. Then there's trend data, such as traders evolution, sales, volume and more. In addition, you'll find a table containing trending collections and the marketplaces with the highest volume on the specified timelapse.