P&L Calculator
Learn how to calculate your Solana coin P&L metrics.
Last updated
Learn how to calculate your Solana coin P&L metrics.
Last updated
Trading is all about profit. The /sol profit feature calculates your precise Profit & Loss data. This feature allows you to analyse your trades, retrieve your break even, and generate a visual to share your profits.
Aura's profit bot is unique in that it takes into account more data than any other. Snipe refund, mints, claim and more, the P&L calculator analyse everything.
This feature takes two parameters into account : a token and a wallet. The token can be provided by the mint address (which means the contract on Solana), but also by searching for it by its symbol. The wallet can either be selected from your wallet list (/wallet) or be a non-registered wallet.
Each bot response is accompanied by a button that allows you to generate a visual containing your P&L metrics. It's an easy solution to share your profits.