Learn how to use the analytics of the portfolio manager.
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Learn how to use the analytics of the portfolio manager.
Last updated
The basis of the portfolio manager is its analytics aspect, which gives you a complete view of the shares you hold. You no longer need to search for information on several pages, it's all in one place, on your dashboard.
Your dashboard is mainly composed of the details of all the shares you own, as well as some useful statistics to understand the structure and overall value of your portfolio. These statistics include the total value of your shares, your balance in Base ether, and the total value of your wallet. In the table, each share is represented by its name, and is accompanied by the number you own, its price, and the total value you own of that share. You can use the pagination buttons below the dashboard to browse through your shares.
In addition to the main dashboard, you'll find useful portfolio analysis buttons below it. For example, the Refresh button allows you to update the portfolio data. The User Lookup button lets you open the trading panel of any share you own to obtain more detailed information (we talk about the trading panel here). Finally, the My portfolio button opens your own portfolio and let you access the active management options discussed here.